Shell molding, also known as shell-mold casting, is an expendable mold casting process that uses resin covered sand to form the mold. As compared to sand casting, this process has better dimensional accuracy, a higher productivity rate, and lower labor involvement. It is used for small to medium parts that require high precision.
Product weights range from 0.5KG(1LB) to 120KG(250LBS).
Product Gallery
Ductile Iron Connector
Shell molding cast connector with machining. Grade: 65-45-12
Iron Stand
Shell molding cast stand in grey iron.
Ductile Iron Worm Gears
Shell molding cast worm gears. Grade: 80-55-06
Iron Ball (Hollow)
Shell mold cast hollow ball part in grey iron with polishing finish.
Iron Ball (Hollow)
Shell mold cast hollow ball part in grey iron with polishing finish.
Pneumatic Piston
Shell mold cast piston with machining and zinc-plating. Grade: 65-45-12
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